Entries by ellen.saltonstall@gmail.com

Balance: It’s Not Just Tree Pose

“The reason we think balance is associated with longevity is because it requires keeping your brain and nervous system’s integration circuitry intact.” —Danine Fruge, MD, family-practice physician  Practicing specifically for better balance is important for us at any age, but it is essential for those of us over 50 or 60, when so many changes […]

Shoulder and Neck Release in 10 to 15 minutes

Do nagging pains in the shoulders and neck impact your everyday life, perhaps even causing mental stress or headaches? Relief is possible, in as little as 10-15 minutes a day. The good news: Our shoulders and neck have a complex array of muscles and joints to give us amazing range of motion. The bad news: […]

Protection and Relief for Your Wrists and Hands

Human hands have many skills: using tools, typing, playing musical instruments, giving massages, or using sign language, just to name a few. But in many yoga poses we make a special demand of our hands, expecting them to function like feet, holding all or most of the weight of the body. Examples of these poses […]

Breath is Food for the Body and Soul

How has your awareness of your breathing changed in this year of COVID? Perhaps some reactions to wearing masks, avoiding closed-in spaces, or being especially sensitive to any respiratory distress? With the pandemic dominating the world for an entire year, we are forced to the realization that we can’t take breathing for granted. Each day […]

Design Your Practice To Give You What You Need

In a recent blog post I talked about interoception, the ability to keep track of inner sensations in an ongoing way. The next step is to use what you feel through interoception to help guide you in designing your own practice for your particular body and mind. What is your body type? Are you more […]

Tiny Habits

Did you make any New Year’s resolution about your physical health? Many people resolve to exercise more, lose weight, get rid of an unwanted habit, or some combination of those goals. But the complexity of life can so easily take over and dislodge even the best intentions. The other day, I heard an author speak […]

Better Interoception Equals Better Health

How’s your interoception? In case you’re not familiar with that word, it’s the inner felt sense of the body, including being warm or cold, hungry or full, tired or energized, stiff or flexible. Interoception is increasingly seen as a crucial component of health by twenty-first century researchers, especially in how it bridges the gap between […]

Bodymind Ballwork for The Outer Side of The Legs

Right now, it’s the beginning of winter in the Northeast USA. We are wearing heavier clothing and shoes, the ground might be slippery, and the cold temperatures can sometimes cause muscles to tighten as we rush through our day. Tension in the outer legs that can cause hip, knee or ankle pain and fatigue. Last […]

Yoga On-the-Go: 7 Yoga Poses You Can Do Anywhere

Summer has finally arrived on the East Coast, and these seasonal transitions are a good time to review and refresh our commitment to self-care. If you’ve been browsing my website, you know that I practice yoga asana, pranayama, meditation and Bodymind Ballwork, a myofascial release technique. And in summer I look forward to adding in […]

The Unexpected Silver Linings of Major Hip Surgery

At almost four months after hip replacement surgery, I wanted to collect my thoughts about the whole process, in hopes that hearing about my experience might help others who are considering or definitely heading toward a similar experience. The lead-up: I notice that my pain is more frequent and more disruptive of daily activities about […]