Bodymind Ballwork & Yoga

Ellen introduces various Bodymind Ballwork and yoga techniques to stretch, provide relief and strengthen.

Bodymind Ballwork for the Knees

Restorative yoga for full breath and improved posture

Healthy Knees

Restorative Yoga for Inner Expansion and Deep Rest

Bodymind Ballwork for the Neck

Yoga for Healthy Aging and Fracture Prevention

Two Breathing Techniques to Beat the Heat – Yoga

Cat-Cow-Dog-Cobra-Pigeon – the yoga animals to help start your day 

Bodymind Ballwork for the Soles of the Feet

Bodymind Ballwork for your Middle and Lower back

Bodymind Ballwork for the Trapezius Muscles of your Shoulders

Daily Floor Stretches 

Three Shoulder and Neck Stretches  

Bodymind Ballwork for the Iliotibial Band and Outer Shin 

Barrie Risman interviews Ellen Saltonstall

Stretch Your Fingers and Wrists

Learn various hand exercises Ellen has developed to help sustain and rejuvenate your fingers and wrists. (Videos: Cassandre Lavoix Pyrke)

Hand Warm Ups

Wrist Flexion Stretch 

Wrist Extension 

Single Finger Extension 

Finger Flexion on Thighs 

Thumbs Wings Exercise

Wrist Extension on Wall – Fingers Down 

Ridgetops on a Wall 

Full Arm Stretch Into Wall Exercise 

Aikido Hand Stretches 

Interlace Stretch Palm Forward Exercise 

Twisting Clasp Exercise